The Israeli/Syrian negotiations and the lack of courage
On Nov. 19, 1977 President Anwar Sadat of Egypt stood before the Israeli Knesset to deliver his infamous speech about peace between Arabs and Jews. President Sadat became the first Arab leader in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict to visit Jerusalem and meet with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The move by President Sadat showed true unadulterated courage of a leader committed to the cause. The ensuing history proved his vision to be the only viable solution to the conflict in the Middle-East. Unfortunately President Sadat paid dearly for that vision with his life. In the same spirit and on September 13, 1993 Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat stood at the White-House lawn in Washington DC and shook hands after signing the Oslo Accords. It was the first time the PLO acknowledged the rights of Israel to exist while Israel reciprocated by acknowledging the rights of the Palestinian people to be represented by the Palestinian Authority. Courage marked that moment, ...