Western Naiveté

Observers of Middle Eastern politics would tell you that nothing in this land of cynicism and tradition can be simple. As more optimism engulfs the neo-conservative team of the Bush administration of their recent achievements in Iraq, the stakes become higher.
Arab governments are closely watching with anticipation every development in Iraq. Iran is betting on the democratic process to bring about a shi’aa majority in the transitional parliament so it can influence the final outcome of the Iraqi government.

The irony that the United States by pushing for a Western style democratic process to be established in Iraq, many fear it will bring about Islamic religious conservatives to power where the Mullahs would be the real rulers. This was certainly true when American foreign policy adventures in Afghanistan eventually brought the Taliban into power after the soviets pull out. This was also true in Algeria when after constant political pressure from France the Algerian government caved in and allowed free elections to take place. What happened there after was a 10 year civil war that took the lives of tens of thousands of Algerian people as well as government and army personnel.

Western Naiveté have reached its climax with the US invasion of Iraq. Many western countries can not understand the reason why democracy would not take hold and florish in Arab countries. Many even during the 20th century, for a long time believed that those countries were beyond the realm of civilization. Yet throughout the 20th century their armies occupied and oppressed those same people they believe were helplessly hopeless. In fact, from the Turkish empire to Britain, France, Italy, Israel ( although it is not a western country but was implanted and created by western ideals), and finally the
United States of America.
If Democracy and freedom, believing this was the real aim behind the invasion, is the ultimate objective of the United States in Iraq, then we can all take a back seat and watch as only time and events will be the real measure of success. Yet many nations and empires have passed by and occupied these lands yet none have left a lasting impression on tradition and cynicism in this part of the world.


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