Academic Terrorism

As expected, no sooner than a couple of weeks from publishing their New Study
that criticizes the power of the Israeli Lobby and their die-hard neo-conservative
friends, the two professors responsible for it are taking the most outrageous form
of academic terrorism from the pundits of the Israeli Lobby.

What is so amazing is that some of those criticizing the Dean of Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, Dr. Stephen Walt and his colleague Professor John Mearsheimer of Political Science at the University of Chicago, are the same die-hard
supporters of the corrupt political action committee AIPAC. Some like Professors
Alan Dershowitz have gone overboard by describing the study as trash that could
have been written by Neo-Nazi David Duke, while Democratic Congressman Eliot
Engel of New York described the professors as “dishonest so-called intellectuals”.
The calls into the Harvard school of Government from ‘pro-Israel donors’ expressing
concern about the paper, have forced the school to pull its logo from the paper and
add a disclaimer to distance itself from the work. In addition, the critics have now
used the ultimate weapon the Israel Lobby has against the authors of the study by describing the work as anti-Semitic.

What is ironic is that the paper describes these same tactics being used now on the
two professors as the tool employed by the Israel Lobby in flexing their political
muscles to silence any legitimate criticism of Israel.

This type of academic terrorism employed by the Israel lobby is discussed in details
in the paper. I encourage all to read by visiting the London Review of Books website.


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