Dr. Wafaa Sultan efforts must be applauded.

I have listened and watched some of the latest interview of Dr. Wafaa Sultan last week on Aljazeera TV channel. Despite some of my friends anger and objections to the points Dr. Sultan
brought up on the program regarding Islam and Muslim behaviors in general, I can not help but extend my most heartfelt gratitude and thanks to Dr. Sultan on her courageous and articulate
thoughts she had expressed.

Thomas Payne, the famous American revolutionary, once said "These are the times that try men's souls." I strongly believe without an inner awakening of our people, we as Arabs need
our own Payne who can lead us out of the dark ages we are in and towards the lights of knowledge.

Kudos to Dr. Sultan, for people like her with honest and straight forward thinking can start to
make a difference in our world.


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